Incoming students

You are welcome to the Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático (ESAD) of Extremadura. Our main aim is for you to have a full experience in our academic community.

On this page, relevant information  -which you can find useful as an incoming student- related to application to this project, or location and organisation of our centre, among other aspects, can be found.

First, you must check if your university has an agreement with ESAD Extremadura, our school. If this is the case, you will need to contact your international office to get information about the requirements and procedure to follow in order to apply for an Erasmus experience in this school.

If your university does not have an agreement with us, please get into contact with said school in order to apply as a mobility student. Subsequently, once we receive said proposal, we will contact you with the instructions you will need to follow for the application.

Currently, the ESAD Extremadura have agreements with a series of schools in Portugal. It is for this reason that, in order to reinforce our relationship with this country, from the academic year 2024/2025 onwards, Portuguese will be taught as a foreign language in our school, so we will also have a Portuguese language teacher to provide better assistance to future Erasmus students from Portugal.

Academic offering

In the ESAD Extremadura, two degrees can be found. In each school year, a number of subjects are taught, and each one is equal to a number of credits ECTS. Their distribution can be found on the following links:


The Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático of Extremadura is located in the city of Cáceres, a city whose old town has been declared a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO. You will get more information related to this medieval city in the link found hereunder:

Official Portal of Tourism of Cáceres:

Deadlines for Erasmus Application´s Submission:

– 31 May for the entire academic year.
– 31 May for the first semester.
– 15 November for the second semester. 

Applications Procedures:

– Coordinators confirmation (home university).
– Student’s grades Certificate of the previous years (home university).
– Student’s presentation letter.

– Student’s CV.
– Student’s ID photos.
– Student’s copy of an identity card.
– Students Learning Agreement initial proposal

All documents need to be sent to:


Our School does not offer accommodation since we don’t have student housing.


David Herrero (Erasmus Coordinator)


Phone: +34927005458

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